1 Introduction

This document describes how to use the MyID® Document Uploader.

This utility allows you to set up HTML terms and conditions templates.

By default, MyID provides a single sample terms and condition template. If this is not suitable, you can use it as a basis for your own customized terms and conditions, or create your own terms and conditions document. MyID provides a utility that allows you to upload new HTML templates to the server.

Once you have set up a template in the MyID database, within the Credential Profiles workflow, you must select an option from the Terms and Conditions Template drop-down list to select which template to use when activating a card; see the Terms and conditions section in the Administration Guide.

Note: The terms and conditions text that is used depends on the workflow and the MyID client you are using:



Terms and conditions method

Activate Card

MyID Desktop, Self-Service App, Self-Service Kiosk

HTML template

Assisted Activation

MyID Desktop

HTML template

Collect My Card, Reprovision Card, Reprovision My Card, Update Card

MyID Desktop (PIV only)


Collect My Card, Reprovision Card, Reprovision My Card, Update Card

MyID Desktop (Non-PIV)

Translation method

Collect My Card, Update My Card

Self-Service App

HTML template

This document describes setting up the HTML template method only. For more information, see the Customizing terms and conditions section in the Administration Guide.